Thursday, July 26, 2012

Definition of Music

I listen to all sorts of genres of music.

Rock, Grunge, Folk, Techno, Dubstep, Electronic, Classical, Pop, etc.. 

I hear a lot of "Dubstep isn't music" or "Pop isn't music"..  But, Isn't it though? Music is what people use to become inspired.  I listen to music to get through the day, without it, life would be bland and un-colorful. Music shouldn't be defined by how you make it, music should be defined by how powerful it makes us. 

I have a friend, who does NOT like guitarists.. my friend believes that guitarists are lazy because they don't properly read sheet music, therefore don't make music. 

I don't believe that, not for a second. You don't need to read the music, you need to feel it, make it apart of you. 

There thats my deep thought for the day.. I'm out.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jak and Daxter

Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy was a major part of my childhood.. I played that game on the ps2 for hours and hours.. so much so that the buttons on my controller are blank because I wore them down that much.

Such good memories..

I just bought the Jak and Daxter Collection for the PS3. Included are, Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II and Jak 3
I'm going to be busy..
 let the nostalgia commence.. now..

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I have watched MLP:FIM & I like it, it's cute, has good humor and the characters are actually interesting and don't only relate to "girly girls". Which I really appreciate because I don't believe someone should be a certain way to be pretty or popular or happy.

The plot is for younger audiences obviously, but, it's entertaining enough.

However, I don't understand this infatuation with MLP from older men. I don't care that some men in their 20's, 30's and even 40's are watching MLP. But, why? There's nothing screaming extremely entertaining for male audiences.

I hear more praise for MLP from guys then I do girls.

I'm not saying guys shouldn't watch It, I just am curious as to why they love it so much.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dead Space 3

Dead Space 3 is coming..

And I'm excited for it.. not sure about you.. but I am..

I've been hearing a lot of hate on it and EA games.
Such as, the series isn't as scary and has lost its original idea.
I don't really agree, I mean, we can't really judge it fully when no one has officially played it.
The first 2 games were incredible, lets just keep our fingers crossed and hope it's as good, or even better.

Mortal Instruments

My Sister started me on the Mortal instrument series.. at first I was a little hesitant, but so far I am extremely happy with them. I have read City of Bones & City of Ashes in just 2 days and on my way of completing City of Glass.
I can't stop.

Darn you Sister, Darn youu..  /shakesfist 
Normally, I'm not one for romancey stuff, My gag reflex can only tolerate so much.
But this isn't your stereotypical love story, it has some great twists that leave you shocked.
And the humor.. the humor.. is FANTASTIC. At times I have to put the book down so I can stop laughing.


If you have the chance to start reading them and you enjoy a Supernatural-lets-kill-a-bunch-of-demons..
Read it.

I'm Not Good at This

I've started blogs before, and to be honest, haven't ever been religious to them. I want to be, however, I always get writers block or I just get bored with it.

But I have been going through some stuff and felt that I wanted to vent about random problems I have with modern society and people itself.. good idea, no?

So these are just the rantings of a teenager that has nothing better to do.